Q: Can I cancel my membership?

A: Yes you can cancel at anytime without any fees.

Q: What if I don’t complete the required training every 6 months?

A: If you do not complete your required training every 6 months your Safety Manager Organization membership will be revoked.

Q: What if I leave my current company?

A: If you leave your company you or your assigned manager can contact us and we will remove the company logo from your profile. You will remain a member as long as you continue to complete your required training every 6 months.

Q: How often do you send notification alerts for training?

A: We send notifications 6 months, 3 months and 30 days before your training expires.

Q: How much is the price for training required every 6 months?

A: Training prices start at 95$ and vary based on the training and trainer.

Q: What is the benefit of doing training with the SMO vs other training providers?

A: We used optimal trainers and training programs to achieve higher rates of information retention.

Q: Can I put my membership on hold?

A: Currently we do not have a hold option for members.Either you’re in or you’re out and we respect your decision.

Q: How do you send notification alerts?

A: We send notification alerts via email to you and your manager letting you know training needs to be updated soon.

Q: I lost the link to my member page, what now?

A: Send us a message from your registered email and we will send you the link.

Q: What if I want to make changes to my profile, like change the city or add acronyms to my name?

A: Send us a message from your registered email and we will get it done!.

Q: I just completed training, how do I upload it to my member profile?

A: Send the certificate or completion record via email or use the Upload page.

Q: Can I upload training that I took with another training provider to my SMO member profile?

A: Absolutely! But to maintain your membership with the SMO you are required to take one training directly with us every 6 months. This training can be found on the Training page or we will send you a direct invite via email.